Luxurious Brocade Replicas at Hrádek u Nechanic Castle

Historical buildings are invaluable testimonies to our past, and their preservation is crucial for future generations. The National Heritage Institute entrusted us with a challenging task – to create a replica of the original curtains for the castle in Hrádek u Nechanic. This project was not just about skill and technical proficiency but also about deep respect for historical heritage. In the following article, we will present the details of this significant project, from the initial challenges to the final benefits that ensure the beauty and authenticity of the castle chamber are preserved for future generations.

The National Heritage Institute approached our company with the requirement to create a replica of the fabric of the original curtains for the castle in Hrádek u Nechanic. This task was of key importance for preserving the authenticity and historical value of the castle interiors.

The client provided the original fabric from the castle chamber as a template for the replica production. The requirement to imitate the original curtain was very demanding, as it was necessary to ensure a perfect match not only in material but also in pattern and color. Producing the replica required maximum precision and expert knowledge.

The process began with the careful approval of yarn samples and the final "warp." Upon confirmation, we started fabric production. The finished brocade was then sent for finishing, where it received its final touch. We then shipped the fabric back to the client, who had the curtains made from it. These were subsequently installed back into the castle chamber, thereby restoring the original appearance of the interior.






This project is a prime example of our commitment to excellence and care for historical heritage. We are proud to have contributed to the preservation of cultural wealth for future generations.

Luxurious brocades that you can see at Hrádek u Nechanic are available for purchase here